This photo of a sunrise at Blue Cypress Lake outside Vero Beach, Florida, as the day was changing from darkness to beautiful sunrise light, was a great reason to pause and think for a few moments about change… I remember hearing years ago that axiom… “The only constant is change”… then a later quote… “If you don’t like change, you are going to like extinction even less” (ok, that’s paraphrased…it’s close…)
The whole way you go about recruiting, hiring and onboarding new people for your growing company has seen cataclysmic change in the last 5 years… HRIS systems to take in electronic resumes and screen them, video resumes from enterprising candidates wanting to put their ‘best foot forward’, the rise of job boards like Indeed and Zip Recruiter, the growth of ‘fake resumes and fake credentials’… and more…
All those changes point to needing better, more sophisticated tools to evaluate the candidates who do get thru your screening process and make it to a first interview (probably virtual on Zoom). Candidates are increasingly skilled at making a good impression, they get coaching on how to answer your questions and are good at telling an interviewer what they want to hear.
So… you have to change your tactics and processes too… and the more senior the position, the more the need for change. You just can’t rely on your ‘gut feel’ like you used to in evaluating a candidate.
More C-Suite leaders, HR Executives and mid-level management responsible for hiring are turning to sophisticated pre-employment assessments to help. Using a well designed, well documented assessment that offers analytical reports from a variety of viewpoints is an increasingly important tool. An assessment like that will help you ‘See Beyond The Frame’ – the frame of the picture a candidate wants you to see. It will help in evaluating if the person is a good likely ‘fit’ in your organization and likely to succeed in the job. Mis-fires on hiring are so expensive these days… you need way to both focus and keep perspective about the candidates you consider.
The PXT Select assessment from Wiley Publishing (Wiley purchased the original publisher, Profiles International, a few years ago) is a comprehensive tool that evaluates both cognitive and behavioral characteristics of a candidate. You get valuable insights into thinking styles, verbal and math abilities along with deep insights into 9 behavioral characteristics that affect how someone ‘shows up’ at your company. The PXT uses a unique Performance Model profile that is customized to your specific requirements to help determine which candidate(s) best fit. And you can compare multiple candidates in a single report.
Ben Griffin ([email protected]) and Sara King ([email protected]) are both Certified Practitioners who work with leaders to deploy the PXT effectively. CEOIQ® is an Authorized PXT Distributor.
Are you thinking that maybe it’s time for a new tool in your ‘recruiting kit’? Reach out to either of us on LinkedIn to start a conversation. If you are a C-Suite Leader or HR Executive, we’re offering you the complimentary opportunity to experience the PXT yourself and have a briefing session with Sara and myself. Let us hear from you anytime.