How to Orient and Onboard Your Next Great Employee

4 Lab Sessions

OK, you’ve done the challenging work of CREATING your next great employee…you successfully navigated the recruiting, interviewing and hiring process! YAY!…AND, now the long term work to be sure you are getting your new person oriented and onboarded – fully integrated into your organization – starts. In this follow-on Digital Leadership Lab, Sara King and Ben Griffin take you thru the important process of making sure you create a welcoming environment and make a great first impression on your next great employee.

This is no time to slack off and assume that ‘they will just get it’…You’ve made a big investment of time…and probably hard dollars too in getting to this point. Creating a successful Orientation and Onboarding process helps assure that your investment will be returned with big dividends over the long-haul.

In “How to Orient and Onboard Your Next Great Employee” your key takeaways include:

  • Why Orientation and Onboarding is so important in assuring a great start-up with new employees.
  • The facts and figures about impact a successful Orientation and Onboarding process.
  • A well defined process that includes Company level orientation, Department and Job level orientation and continuing the Onboarding process beyond the first two weeks on the job.
  • Four comprehensive Digital Leadership Lab Sessions, each with a video where Sara and Ben discuss the ‘in’s and out’s’ of creating a successful process for your organization.
  • 8 downloadable checklists, tools, templates in both Word and PDF formats that are completely customizable for your company, your specific situation.

Summary of Lab Sessions Included:


Your ‘quick start’ to the importance of Onboarding and Orientation. Why it makes a difference to pay attention to what is often considered a ‘hiring detail’.

Company Orientation

Make sure your next great employee comes ‘in the door’ on a positive high-note. Getting this right is important because there is nothing more demotivating than showing up for the ‘first day’ as a new employee and no one knows who you are or why you are there.

Department and Job Orientation

If you have more than ‘just a few’ people in your company, never assume that the details of the particular department or function that your next great employee will work in…day-in and day-out… are “handled by someone”. Following the guidelines and using the tools in this Lab Session will assure
 that your next great employee is successful at the start!

Onboarding – Continuing The Conversation: The Next 90 Days

Successful onboarding doesn’t stop at the end of the first couple of days or first week of your next great employee being on board. Our experience at CEOIQ® is that the first 90 days are a time when many new employees think “I may have made a big mistake taking this job”. Keep that from happening by making onboarding a continuing conversation that cements the bond with a new employee and assures ongoing success.